A beginner’s thought {VEGAN}


Day number one– I am easing into this vegan lifestyle. I still have some cheese, eggs among other things in the fridge and I won’t throw it out. Yes, I am trying to eat healthier but I think it’s absolutely criminal to throw food. There are people around the world hungry and dying from starvation, discarding it just seems absurd considering I have consumed it my entire life. Furthermore, I don’t want to shock my body my letting go all at once. I don’t want my husband coming home to find me rolled up in a fetal position at the corner of the house, chattering in a low, deluded, desperate voice, “ sssnacks, sssnacks, must have chips, must eat ice cream, must have chocolate, chooocolaate,”.

More than we realize our bodies act out of habit. Much like how we wake up at the same time every day our body tells us to eat certain things not necessarily because it’s good for us but out of habit.

Its half way through day one and I did do a little more research about the food industry. There is an interview with the film maker of Food Inc (documentary) you should watch. I watched a few other videos and my gosh, what’s goes into the food we eat is scary. And I will not try and post all the statistics, aside from the fact it is depressing, it is also like a vortex one thing leading to another.

Everyone should educate themselves and try their best to be as healthy as possible. If going Vegan may be too extreme for you it’s understandable. On the flipside, you should avail yourself to a healthier lifestyle and make it your priority to learn about the food products you and your family consume.

Cancer is a reality and sad to say a lot of what we consume is carcinogenic (particularly the preservatives in it). I am still avidly in search of Vegan recipes I can integrate into my life and although I don’t know how long I will stay vegan, after watching more videos and reading, I will not let go without a fight. These days “beauty” is so coveted. Some people will eat placenta, undergo surgeries, face slapping, apply slug face mask, and bird poop face mask in the name of beauty. How can someone eat placenta? That’s cannibalism isn’t it? I really can’t comprehend the appeal no matter how beautiful it is claimed to make my skin and nails.

Point is if people can power through these things eating healthier should be a piece of cake, Vegan cake obviously. When we eat better it is reflected in our skin, hair, nails and our energy level. I can’t wait to get that vegan glow going on. The more I think about it the more excited I get. My mind is all over the place thinking about different meals. Today I was snacking on some carrot sticks, yummm and yesterday I ate some golden apples. I plan to go pick some by my parents later. I had chopped golden apple and salt and it was filling but that’s not the good part. The good part was how it tasted. I devoured those golden apples like a hungry bear would a fish. I put salt in it to bring out the natural flavors and yes it was so good. It’s been so long since I have eaten it. Now that we are in season it will be my main snack. And avocados are in season as well. I love avocados and particularly enjoy eating it as a filling in my bread and also with farine.

Starting something new is always beautiful. It may be challenging, or perhaps exciting or a little disorienting but it’s beautiful. The most amazing part about it is that you don’t know what will come of it. Depending on what you are starting it can be a bit intimidating and that is fine. All the emotions rushing to the surface, whirling around in your head, seizing your body, feed off of it, enjoy it, because it’s the feeling of being alive. I like the quote by J.A shedd “A ship in the harbor is safe, but that’s not what ships are built for”. We were created to explore, see, think and do; new adventures await me and it awaits you too. While some may see veganism as a duller, vanilla approach to eating, I see it as an adventure of the tongue roaming where it has never gone before. Tasting the zesty, tangy, sweet-sour, salty-fruity mix I was too afraid to try before. There are lots of food I haven’t tried because I thought I wouldn’t like it and experience have taught me, it’s not always what it looks like or sound like (with food as well as in life). So many cultures with a vast array of dishes, it’s my time to step out and dip my tongue in the exotic sauces and savor the uncommon.

What new things have you tried lately, comment below.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Good luck on your vegan journey! I recommend watching Forks Over Knives, Cowspiracy, and Earthlings if you haven’t yet. Make sure to reach out in the vegan community if you need help! There are a TON of us out here 🙂


    1. diamonddusk says:

      Thanks for your support and I will definitely be watching those. And checking out your blog to see if I can collect a recipe.

      Liked by 1 person

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